
Eating green helps planet and waistlines

DALLAS, Oct. 13 (UPI) -- For those wanting to reduce their carbon footprint, eating green may be as important as driving green, not to mention the health benefit, U.S. researchers say.

Nutrition experts at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas say eating green can benefit the waistline as well as the environment. To eat green, the experts recommend:


-- Buy local and seasonal. Farmers markets remain the best bet, but many grocery stores have started offering a greater selection of locally grown foods. While, there is no scientific proof that eating local foods is better for you, the food is generally fresher and more nutrient-dense -- and tastier.

-- Limit reliance on processed and packaged foods. Fresh foods have fewer fats and refined flours than many pre-packaged foods.

-- Doggy bag leftovers. Only buy and prepare what you intend to eat. If you go out or make too much at home, repurpose the leftovers for another meal later in the week such as pizzas, salads, soups, tacos or pasta dishes.

-- You don't have to become a vegetarian, but occasionally replacing beef with chicken or eggs can help reduce your carbon footprint and reduce fat intake.


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