
Ankle injuries increase with fall sports

KANSAS CITY, Kan., Sept. 4 (UPI) -- A U.S. foot physician warns ankle injuries increase as young athletes begin playing fall sports such as football, soccer and basketball.

Kansas City, Kan., foot and ankle surgeon Dr. James Good says fall sports can lead to sprains, broken bones and other problems -- and injuries should be seen to right away.


"Have a qualified doctor examine the injury," Good says in a statement. "The sooner rehabilitation starts, the sooner we can prevent long-term problems like instability or arthritis, and the sooner your child can get back into competition."

Good, a fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, advises having old sprains checked by a doctor to see if they could benefit from wearing a supportive brace.

He also suggests that parents:

-- Have children begin the season with new footwear, as old ones can become uneven, and get the right footwear for the sport.

-- Walk the field, especially when children compete in non-professional settings like public parks and alert coaching officials to dips, divots and holes. Most sports-related ankle sprains are caused by jumping and running on uneven surfaces.


-- Encourage stretching and warm-up exercises.

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