
Kid hypertension also seen in adults

BALTIMORE, June 17 (UPI) -- A systematic review found high blood pressure in childhood is linked to high blood pressure in adults, U.S. researchers said.

The John Hopkins University review and meta-analysis of 50 cohort studies tracking blood pressure of children into adulthood found a consistent relationship between children's blood pressure levels with their blood pressure levels as adults.


"The blood pressure tracking data indicate that children with elevated blood pressure levels often grew up to become adults with elevated blood pressure," senior study author Dr. Youfa Wang of Hopkin's Bloomberg School's Center for Human Nutrition in Baltimore said in a statement.

"It is important to monitor blood pressure in children -- since early detection and intervention could prevent hypertension and related disease risks later in life. For example, studies show that even slightly elevated blood pressure as adults will increase future risks for cardiovascular disease considerably."

Hypertension, which is one of the major modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease, can lead to heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure and a number of other health problems.

The study findings have been published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.


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