
Perfect gift for the caregiver -- a break

DALLAS, Dec. 24 (UPI) -- A U.S. Alzheimer's expert suggests a great gift to give those who provide care for people with the debilitating disease is to give them a break.

Peggy Higgins, education director for the Alzheimer's Disease Center at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, says the holidays give an opportunity to bring cheer to those with Alzheimer's, and to their caregivers.


"Caregivers need a break," Higgins says in a statement. "Offer to have someone watch the person with Alzheimer's, and take the caregiver shopping, out to lunch or a salon visit."

To entertain the person with Alzheimer's, even if he or she is deeply progressed in the disease -- with the caregiver's permission -- bring a "sorting" project such as photos, a box of buttons, nuts and bolts, or various squares of felt. Play music dating from the elderly's youth, which they'll probably recognize.

"An hour-long visit is about right," Higgins says. "And nothing says you can't come by every week."

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