
Bad carbs many not be the enemy

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., Oct. 1 (UPI) -- Food made from white flour high on the glycemic index may not be the enemy of the those trying to maintain, or lose weight, a U.S. review found.

"Eating sandwiches with white bread, or an occasional doughnut, isn't going to kill you, or necessarily even lead to obesity," Glenn Gaesser, of the University of Virginia and author of "It’s the Calories, Not the Carbs" said in a statement.


Foods having a high glycemic index are generally thought to be "bad" because they raise blood sugar more than "good" glycemic index foods, which some believe leads to excessive insulin secretion, which can cause weight gain and health problems. Foods such as whole-grain breads are said to offer "good" carbohydrates, because they have a lower glycemic index than white bread, for example.

The review, published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Gaesser analyzed peer-reviewed, scientific research on carbohydrate consumption, glycemic index and body weight.

The review found that consuming lots of high-glycemic foods is not associated with higher body weights and several U.S. studies instead revealed that high-glycemic diets were linked to better weight control.


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