
Women may favor men with deep voices

HAMILTON, Ontario, Sept. 25 (UPI) -- A Canadian study suggests women with reproduction on their minds favor men with low-pitched voices.

Women who want to have children may be on to something, because a study published in Biology Letters, found men with lower-pitched voices have more children than do men with higher-pitched voices.


"While we find in this new study that voice pitch is not related to offspring mortality rates, we find that men with low-voice pitch have higher reproductive success and more children born to them," study author David Feinberg, of McMaster University, in Hamilton, Ontario, says in a statement.

Feinberg and colleague, Coren Apicella, chose the subjects for this study from the Hadza of Tanzania -- one of the last true hunter-gatherer cultures because the Hadza have no modern birth control so the researchers were able to determine the men who have lower pitched voices have more children.

"If our ancestors went through a similar process, this could be one reason why men's and women's voices sound different," Feinberg said.

In previous studies, Feinberg found men favor women with higher-pitch voices.

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