
Study: Pet owners not healthier

TURKU, Finland, Dec. 29 (UPI) -- A Finnish study found that pet owners smoked slightly more often and exercised less often than those who did not have a pet.

Dog owners did exercise more than those without pets, but it did not appear to have an effect on the Body Mass Index, according to researchers at the University of Turku.


The association of pet ownership and health of working Finns ages 20 to 54 was studied at the University of Turku as part of the large research project entitled Health and Social Support.

At the total population level, pet ownership was most common among those 40 years of age or older, those whose lives are established and who are settled down as well as among those who live in single-family houses and who have couple relationships, the study found.

Pet ownership was slightly more often associated with a low rather than high social standing or education. Illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, ulcer, sciatica, migraine, depression and panic attacks were more common among pet owners, according to findings published in PLoS ONE.

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