
Lack of sleep can ruin a vacation

ANN ARBOR, Mich., June 9 (UPI) -- Nothing ruins a U.S. vacation more than a sleep-deprived child, a jet-lagged flier, or worst of all -- a car crash caused by drowsy driving.

The whole idea of traveling clashes with a lot of the regular habits and schedules that are needed for good sleep. A comfortable bed, a regular bedtime, a calm evening and a quiet dark room all make it easier for kids and grown-ups to get to sleep and get a full night's rest, according to Todd Arnedt, a sleep psychologist who directs the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the University of Michigan Health System.


The bottom line for any traveler is to try for as normal a sleep routine as possible, including adjusting that routine for changes in time zone and, if driving, recognizing the signs of drowsy driving and pulling off the road before getting in an accident, advises Arnedt.

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