
Lauren Bush Lauren shares Instagram photo of newborn son James

By Karen Butler

It's hard work being a baby. So in love and thankful for this little guy I can hardly stand it!

A photo posted by Lauren Bush Lauren (@laurenblauren) on

NEW YORK, Nov. 26 (UPI) -- Fashion designer and entrepreneur Lauren Bush Lauren, the niece of former President George W. Bush, has shared on Instagram an adorable photo of her snoozing newborn son James.

Lauren, 31, and her husband David Lauren, 44, have been married since 2011. Their first child was born last Saturday. David Lauren is an executive in his father Ralph Lauren's fashion empire.


"It's hard work being a baby. So in love and thankful for this little guy I can hardly stand it!" Lauren Bush Lauren captioned Wednesday's photo, which shows little James, sleeping with his hand under his chin and his head uncovered to show off his downy, dark hair.

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