
Fox and Mysterio collaborate on record

LONDON, Sept. 16 (UPI) -- British pop star Samantha Fox has teamed with Canadian musician Marc Mysterio on "Tomorrow," a new dance single available exclusively through Beatport.

The song was released Tuesday, World Class Records and Amerada Music said in a news release.


"This week, I started to get the butterflies in my stomach whenever I think about 'Tomorrow' -- the same feeling I had when 'Touch Me' was on the cusp of breaking out in the 80s," Fox said in a statement.

"We are an underground music store, but we also work with artists that have a crossover appeal," said Dave Heugel, the European label manager at Beatport, a popular digital retailer for dance music. "Marc Mysterio's 'Tomorrow' is a great song with plenty of mass appeal, and fits well within our shop. Additionally, the vocals from Samantha Fox are great."

A music video for the song is also being shot and is expected to be released next month.

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