
ABC opts for the force of 'Gravity'

LOS ANGELES, July 1 (UPI) -- U.S. broadcaster ABC has picked up "Defying Gravity," an international science fiction show described as "Grey's Anatomy" in space, its producers say.

The 13-episode series, from Fox TV Studios and produced by FtvS chiefs James Parriott and Michael Edelstein, will also be aired by Canada's CTV, Germany's ProSieben and the BBC this summer, The Hollywood Reporter said Wednesday.


"Defying Gravity's" cast includes Laura Harris, Christina Cox, Malik Yoba and Florentine Lahme and reportedly depicts the adventures of eight astronauts from five countries who rocket through the solar system on a mission of mysterious origin. FtvS also is responsible for the international show "Mental," which was picked up by the Fox network.

"Since we originally pitched 'Gravity' to the international marketplace as 'Grey's Anatomy' in space, getting the series on the network that has 'Grey's' and makes the most successful sci-fi show on TV in 'Lost' is a good fit," FtvS executive vice president David Madden told the Reporter.

Madden added the show has "a sci-fi premise but being told in a female friendly way."

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