
Free movies now available on IMDb

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 16 (UPI) -- More than 6,000 movies and TV shows can now be watched for free on the Internet Movie Database Web site, InformationWeek reported Tuesday.

Content provided by CBS,, Sony Pictures Television and hundreds of independent filmmakers now comprise the catalog of the popular movie information site, which is a subsidiary of


"We're excited to offer our users a simple online experience to watch full-length movies and TV episodes for free," Col Needham, founder and managing director of, said in a statement. "Our goal is to show our users every movie and TV show on the Internet for free on"

"On title pages where IMDb does not have the content available for free, users can click on the Amazon Video On Demand button to rent or purchase the video from Amazon," an Amazon representative told InformationWeek via e-mail. "It's great to offer customers choice. They can decide whether to watch an ad-supported movie or show on IMDb for free or rent or purchase a movie and show immediately from AVOD without commercials. So it's really the best of both worlds for TV and movie fans."


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