
Morgan planning 'Queen' companion

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 2 (UPI) -- British writer Peter Morgan is working on a companion film to "The Queen" about former Prime Minister Tony Blair's relationships with two U.S. presidents.

Morgan wrote the acclaimed 2006 film, "The Queen," which earned Helen Mirren an Oscar for playing Britain's Queen Elizabeth II. He also wrote the celebrated play, "Frost/Nixon." Both works starred Michael Sheen.


The new film project would have Sheen again play Blair, the character he portrayed in "The Queen."

The movie will follow the prime minister as he reacts to the changing of the White House guard from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush, reported Tuesday.

"Peter sees this as a pivotal moment when the special relationship between Britain and America changed," producer Andy Harries told the trade paper.

The film would be the third leg in Morgan's "Blair trilogy," which began with the television movie "The Deal."

"Peter always hoped to do a trilogy to mark the Blair years that we've all lived through but it's been difficult to find the right point at which to look at Blair in power," Harries said.


Morgan said he plans to start writing by the end of this year.

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