
'Cosmo Kramer' apologizes on Letterman

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 20 (UPI) -- Comedian Michael Richards Monday apologized for a tirade at the Laugh Factory comedy club in Los Angeles in which he allegedly hurled a racial slur at hecklers.

Richards, who played Cosmo Kramer on "Seinfeld," lost it after being heckled by two African-American men, reported Monday.


The debacle was caught on camera with Richards screaming at one of the men, "Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a (expletive) fork up your (expletive)."

He continued with the rant, using a 12-letter obscenity and the "n-word" several times, said.

After Richards's outburst, the audience was visibly upset, the report said. Richards responded by saying, "They're going to arrest me for calling a black man a (n-word)."

One of the African-American men at whom Richards was shouting was outraged, shouting back, "That's un-(expletive) called for, ain't necessary."

Most of the audience members got up and left in the show after the 3-minute rant, said.

On Monday, Richards appeared by satellite with Jerry Seinfeld on Letterman and apologized for his behavior.

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