
Italian leader admits to pirating music

ROME, Sept. 15 (UPI) -- A right-wing Italian parliamentarian admitted he downloads music illegally from the Internet, sparking a debate on piracy.

Former Welfare Minister Roberto Maroni said Thursday he believes music should be "free and accessible to all" though he also said there need to be protections for authors, Daily Variety reported.


Another parliamentarian from Italy's largest Communist party, Francesco Caruso, agreed. He told Corriere della Sera that file-sharing was unstoppable.

"The sharks at the multinationals have made music into a business, but they have to realize: copyright, they can forget," Caruso said.

But Enzo Mazza, president of Italy's musician's trade group, said there was no need to download illegally. Fourteen million Italians bought downloaded music online last year, he said.

"Why doesn't Maroni ask that automobiles and restaurants be free for all?" Mazza asked.

Italy passed one of Europe's strictest copyright laws in 2003, but rarely enforces it.

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