
Shock rocker plans Christian youth center

PHOENIX, Aug. 1 (UPI) -- Alice Cooper shook the rock world in the 1970s with on-stage beheadings and songs about dead babies; now he's opening a Christian youth center in Phoenix.

The $3 million center Cooper is establishing with Grand Canyon University in Phoenix will be similar to a Boys Club with a school of rock and roll, a concert hall and sports activities -- except all will have a Christian thrust, the Arizona Republic reported Tuesday.


The United States "needs a good hypodermic needle shot of morality," said Cooper, the 58-year-old born-again son of a Christian minister and grandson of an evangelist.

The singer of "Dead Babies," "No More Mr. Nice Guy" and "Welcome to My Nightmare" said the club called The Rock will offer a variety of wholesome activities free of charge to youth ages 12-18.

The project is still in the design stage and Cooper said he's looking to add corporate sponsors to help its funding with an eye toward starting construction next year.

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