
NFL backs off Super Bowl show age limit

DETROIT, Jan. 7 (UPI) -- The 45-year-old age limit for Rolling Stones fans to share the field with the veteran rockers during Detroit's Super Bowl XL halftime is no more.

Stones Mick Jagger and Keith Richards are 62, which meant under the rules laid down by the National Football League in its search for 2,000 fans to rush the field -- the stars themselves would have been too old to participate.


"We received some messages from some passionate fans," NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy told the Detroit Free Press. "So we told" event producers "to open it up and we'll move on."

The field is now open to anyone over the age of 18, the Free Press said.

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The halftime celebrants will spend the entire first half under a tunnel waiting for their 15 minutes of glory and will be feted during second-half private party during which they can watch the game on TV, organizers said.

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