
Murder Inc. tied to 50 Cent shooting

NEW YORK, Nov. 14 (UPI) -- Federal prosecutors say the man who shot rapper 50 Cent in 2000 was later hired as a bodyguard for the hip-hop recording label, Murder Inc.

Irv and Chris "Gotti" Lorenzo go on trial in New York Tuesday on charges of laundering money for convicted drug kingpin Kenneth "Supreme" McGriff through their label, Murder Inc., now known as The Inc.


Prosecutors revealed McGriff was at the scene of the June 2000 shooting that left 50 Cent with nine bullet holes -- but alive, the New York Post reported Monday.

Furthermore, they said during a confrontation at the Murder Inc. offices later that same day, McGriff taunted the shooter for failing to kill the rap star.

The gunman, whose name was not revealed, was later hired by Murder Inc. as a bodyguard for one of its stars, Ja Rule.

Prosecutors have been seeking to bring all their evidence involving McGriff and 50 Cent's shooting into the pending trial, the Post said.

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