
Risk of dementia can be reduced

BOSTON, April 27 (UPI) -- Many U.S. adults fear being struck by dementia, but a good diet, exercise, mental stimulation and ceasing smoking will help cut the risk of memory problems.

The May issue of the Harvard Men's Health Watch advises that to reduce the risk for age-related memory loss:


-- Get mental stimulation: Brainy activities like reading or drawing stimulate new connections between nerve cells and may even help the brain generate new cells;

-- Get physical exercise: Exercise increases the number of blood vessels that bring blood to the region of the brain responsible for thought -- a study found for every mile a woman walked each day, her risk of cognitive decline dropped by 13 percent;

-- Improve diet: A reduced-calorie diet has been linked to a lower risk of mental decline, and it's recommended that people lower their homocysteine levels by ingesting folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12;

-- Stop smoking: One study estimates that smoking doubles the risk of dementia;

-- Don't abuse alcohol: Excessive drinking is a major risk factor for dementia, so limit alcohol to two drinks per day.

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