
Air Force tightens fraud prevention effort

WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 (UPI) -- The U.S. Air Force reports it is coordinating efforts to prevent and mitigate procurement fraud and contractor misconduct.

The effort was expressed by the signing this month of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, Air Force Contracting and Air Force General Council for Contractor Responsibilities.


"The Air Force has always been a leader in the procurement fraud fight and we are constantly enhancing our approach," said David Robbins, the assistant deputy general counsel director of the Air Force Office of Procurement Fraud Remedies.

"The process set in place has never been done before and we are hoping to improve our fraud prosecution system."

Under the memorandum, Air Force acquisitions and contracting officials, who initially procure the goods and service, will be brought together with AFOSI "as a team to identify fraudulent contracts and prosecute them more efficiently," Robbins said.

Air Force Maj. Gen. Wendy M. Masiello, the deputy assistant secretary for the contracting office of the assistant secretary of the Office for Acquisitions, added: "This memorandum solidifies the Air Force contracting partnership with the legal and law enforcement communities to that end.


"Working together we send an even stronger message that we have zero tolerance for procurement fraud."

Officials said in the past each agency focused only on their mission in the procurement process. The memorandum will encourage a more integrated approach.

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